The Makeup Of Oil Cleansing

01 / What is Oil Cleansing

It’s an ancient practice used by early Egyptian cultures for skin purification and nourishment. Harnessing the power of natural oils, the fundamental idea of oil cleansing is based on principles of chemistry which tell us that “like dissolves like” therefore, 

“oil dissolves oil”.

It cleanses, nourishes balances your skin, leaving it feeling smooth and healthy. All without disturbing the skin’s natural pH and oil balance.

02 / The Education

Here’s where we take out the guesswork and simplify the makeup of the skin.

The outermost layer of our skin is called the epidermis

Beneath the epidermis is the dermis

Then the subcutaneous layer. 

The subcutaneous layer, also known as the fatty layer is made up of just that — fatty cells. Also, the connective tissue  controls the skin to underlying networks in the body to help regulate the body’s temperature and shield it from injury.

The dermis is where you'll find lymph and blood vessels, hair follicles, nerves, sweat, and sebum (oil) glands. It's also composed of strong connective tissue of elastic fibers and collagen which gives your skin its strength and bounce.

The epidermis is the only layer of the skin that is observable to the human eye. It’s responsible for providing a shielding barrier against mechanical, thermal, and physical injury, and prevents loss of water/moisture. The top of the epidermis is also home to the skin’s microbiome, an eclectic environment va of largely harmless and/or beneficial microorganisms that has an integral role in maintaining optimal skin health.

03 / Why Is The Microbiome So Important?

The health of your skin’s microbiome is vital as it essentially controls the skin’s pH levels, which generally prefers a more acidic environment to inhibit the growth of pathogens — with a level of about 5.0. It also helps to maintain a stable skin surface environment where the microbiome and the skin's immune system speak to one another frequently, which tempers inflammation. When the microbiome is compromised, the immune system can unleash various antimicrobial peptides to aid the skin back to balance. Now, your body will naturally know what pH levels your skin needs to be at the moment to protect you from environmental stressors, so please trust and allow your skin space and time to heal itself — it’s smarter than you think.

04 / How Does Oil Cleansing Benefit + Balance The Skin

Unlike traditional water based cleansers that alter your pH, oil cleansing does not. It’s rooted in many holistic practices with the idea that “like defeats like ''— dissolving and removing debris (dead skin cells, pollutants, makeup), clean clogged pores (blackheads, whiteheads) and lifting excess sebum from the skin’s surface. Consistent use of oil can help to improve the skin’s barrier function, which prevents unwanted bacteria or pathogens from entering. The primary reason for skincare is to nourish and balance the barrier, and when that can happen uninterrupted, your skin’s natural regenerative process can take the wheel. 

04 / Does Oil Cleansing Benefit Every Skin Type?

Yes, it absolutely does. The key is to use the oil that best suits your current skin type and skin mood, if active (eczema, acne, dermatitis, etc)

For acne prone/oily skin, oil cleansing will take out the excess oil as “like dissolves like” and balances your skin's natural oil production. 

For dry skin, oil cleansing will provide nourishment and will aid in your skin self moisturizing itself to combat dryness long term. 

For combination skin, oil cleansing will help regulate excess oil production in T-zone while providing nourishment to other areas of the skin.

For sensitive/redness prone skin, oil cleansing will soothe and reduce inflammation


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